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Tuesday 10 June 2014

Granny Square Crochet Along Revisited (Week Three)

Crochet Breezy Shell SkirtAnother week down and what a great week it was. Lot's of granny squares were completed but as always there could be only one winner for the weekly draw. Congrats to Mary Cyphert Jellison for winning a years subscription to Mainly Crochet. I bet you can't wait to browse through all the wonderful patterns now at your fingertips.

This week we have a copy of the Breezy Shell Skirt pattern up for grabs thanks to Beverly Ross of Cozy Cactus Creations.

The breezy shell skirt is a light skirt that is perfect for summer! The pattern includes instructions for customizing the size and amount of ruffle, so you can make your skirt just as you want it. The skirt looks fantastic solid, or striped, so you can make it for the wearer's personality and style preference. The drawstring waist keeps it up, and helps the fit to last through some growing.

Cozy Cactus Creations is a co-op shop between two friends. Bev is the Crochet Head Honcho (official title) and loves turning yarn into beautiful things inspired by her carefree spirit. The Breezy Sell Skirt was her first design, and the most popular of the six currently released. Besides designing, and taking custom orders for crochet pieces, Cozy Cactus Creations makes some awesome sewn items.

Check out their Facebook Page, Etsy Shop, and Ravelry Store for more info 

She has also very generously given us a code to get $1 off the pattern in her Ravelry Store which means this pattern is only $2 for this week of the crochet along.

Please feel free to join us even if you haven't completed weeks one and two. You can always catch up later. You can find all the information about this CAL and the draw here:

Right so lets get started. Some fun squares this week.

7th Granny Square.

To make this square 8 inches you will need to add 2 more rows as follows,

Round 8: Join yarn in any corner sp, (ch 3, 2 dc, ch 2, 3 dc) into corner, ch 1, [*skip 4 st, 3 dc in nxt st, ch 1,* Repeat between * 3 more times. (3 dc ch 2, 3 dc) into corner sp. ] Repeat between [] until you reach the beginning ch 3. Join to top of ch 3 with a sl st and finish off.

Round 9: Join yarn in any corner sp, (ch 3, 2 dc, ch 2, 3 dc) into corner, ch 1. [*3 dc into next ch 1 sp, ch 1* Repeat between * 4 more times. (3 dc, ch 2, 3 dc) into corner] Repeat between [ ] until you reach the beginning ch 3. Join to top of ch 3 with a sl st and finish off. 

8th Granny Square.

To make this square 8 inches,

Round 6-9: Join yarn in any corner sp, (ch 2, 2 dc, ch 2, 3dc) into corner, ch 1. [*3 dc into next ch 1 sp, ch 1* Repeat until next corner. (3 dc,ch 2, 3 dc) into corner] repeat between [ ] until you reach beginning ch 2. Join to top of ch 2 with a sl st.

Finish off.

9th Granny Square

3D Layered Flower

To make this square 8 inches.

Round 4-7: Join yarn in any corner sp, (ch 2, 2 dc, ch 2, 3dc) into corner, ch 1. [*3 dc into next ch 1 sp, ch 1* Repeat until next corner. (3 dc,ch 2, 3 dc) into corner] repeat between [ ] until you reach beginning ch 2. Join to top of ch 2 with a sl st.

If you like to plan ahead like me you might also like to check out last weeks post,10 Different Ways To Join Granny Squares

I hope you enjoyed this week and don't forget to post your pictures on my
 Facebook page for a chance to win a copy of the Breezy Shell Skirt.

Here's a picture of my daughter wearing hers.

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